Well, you may have noticed about 2 months ago in the Pico Day Winner comments that i said and i quote:
I'm gonna keep saving up until i can afford the parts that will power a pc that can truly handle my stuff.
That day has finally arrived! Or it was about a month ago, thanks to a couple of commissions and some extra money from the Best of May (thank you!).
It took a strangely long time for the parts to actually ship to where i live, and i had to go to some PC shop to pick up the parts, which was lame because the car ride back home was filled with traffic and that's not something you want to do to a teenager that has used an Intel Celeron n3050 powered laptop for over 6 years.
BUT! It is here, built by me (and my dad.... my dad did most of the heavy lifting now that i think about it), I present to you; the fruits of my labor, something that couldn't have happened without your support, the END of me using shitty laptops and other people's devices to get stuff done!
featuring: slightly okay cable management and obnoxiously bright B's (i like em so it's okay)

Looks kinda neat i think
And the only thing to really heat the PC up was rendering (obviously) and flying really fast in a singleplayer minecraft world with 20 chunks render distance
But, let's get out of the way and focus on the real meat: PROJECTS N STUFF!
The ZAP-BOT & ROX render ended up being way more fitting for my final render on my dad's GTX 1050 laptop compared to the Annie render i did back in June. Because it struggled HARD to render the damn thing, a little too much compositing and displacements made it feel like i couldn't expand my abilities as much as i wanted to. Like, if i can't render this, how would my future animations be limited?
But it was insanely funny that A DAY LATER after the render was posted i got told that the PC did arrive.
The Joel animation i teased back in May is still in development, but i got sidetracked with the ZB/ROX redesigns and other projects. Whoops! At least i have some good ass models i can make some new animations with.
Speaking of which, you think i'm just gonna use those models for a single render? Two renders? Nah! An animation would be more fitting. I'm tired of these guys just looking badass they gotta MOVE!
This one is ACTUALLY gonna be short and IT WON'T take too long to make. It's mostly an experiment to see how should i tackle animations rendered in Cycles.
Then i'll do a render promoting my commissions once again, but this time the full-body prices will be altered since the old ones no longer represent what i'm capable of.
Head/PFP and Simple Asset prices will remain the same though. I just gotta make something that is a bit more eyecatching. They are still open, but there's no fancy render to promote them.... for now.
ALSO i'm probably gonna remaster reREDEEMER if i have literally nothing to do and i haven't done anything for Madness Day 2023.
Just a bump to 4K, making some darker areas brighter, and fixing that overall "blotchiness" present during the entire thing due to the low sample count. Just a bunch of wee little fixes, won't be as noticeable as the Dance Party update i did a year ago.
ALSO ALSO thanks for 990 followers holy shit
i have more in newgrounds compared to twitter which is funny to think about